Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tuesday August 26th/2014

Taking it easy this morning.  My back is still hurting from yesterday and a friend is going in around 11 am for my mom.  Mom's "little Esther" :-)   Esther is a sweet young Korean girl who takes my mom to her seniors program every Tuesday.  My mom just adores her.  Says she is her adopted granddaughter.  Loves to hold Esther's hand :-)  And Esther is just amazing with her.  She goes back to school next week, my mom is going to miss her so much.  I'm hoping she will be able to just visit once in a while but with a university schedule I just don't know.  It's a lot of work.  Esther is going through for something in geriatric's and she should do great. 

My mom is so active when at home.  Most days she is out at one seniors program or another.  Doing social activities with her friends, participating in community events, etc.  She looks so small and tired right now.  It's difficult to see her like this when she's normally so perky and active.  Always wanting to do something or go somewhere.  If she's not yakking on the phone she's making plans to finish off the summer going to the Music Garden, back to the Ripley's Aquarium, she wanted to go the the c.n.e. also, going to out of town is yet another thing she wants to do..  and the hairdresser!   I think today if she is up to it, I'll take her curling iron and curl her hair some for her.  It's not the hairdresser but she feels better and right now she has a Mohawk going on lol.  She really needs a haircut but that is going to have to wait.

Hard to believe this month is almost gone already.  Sept is around the corner.  This week is my biggest week of my seniors program and thankfully I have people that can step in and take over for me while I'm at the hospital.  I have a fundraiser coming up as well that I need to start working on.  Some of which I can do via email and calls while I'm at the hospital.

When I came in today I said hi to the nurse.  Same one as yesterday, the one that doesn't listen.  She tells me my mom had a hard time getting her meds in this morning but did it.  She gave them with water ..  for Christ sake.. what does it take to get a simple Dr's order followed?  This place stresses me out and I really don't need any more stress in my life right now thanks. 

So..  my mom is sitting here quietly..  talking occasionally, looking a little more like her old self.  She's losing weight again though.  That much I know because if I don't feed her, no one does.  Oh.. excuse me, they give her broth or apple juice..  they give her stuff with no damn calories to provide strength for her.  I can't get it across how important it is that she gets the damn super shakes in her.  Even one a day for 320 calories but no..  it's easier to give her some damn stupid broth with 0 calories.

OMG.. really?  This poor woman in the next bed from my mom.  She is a paraplegic and relies on everyone else for help.  She has huge bed sores, really deep ones that need to be cleaned and such.  She has been buzzing the nurses station for over 20 minutes now asking for help.  No one comes.  She is crying, she's had a bowel movement and is laying it in with open sores.  WTF is the matter with this place?  Why is this happening???  I'd change this poor woman myself if I could but with the open bed sores I don't dare touch her.  This is SO WRONG.  It's torture for her.  Finally after more than a 1/2 hour someone came.  The nurses had a meeting ...  so they don't have anyone on the floor? 

Good thing no one had a heart attack or choked on something isn't it?  They'd literally be dead before they got back. 

Michelle the dietician came in a bit ago.  Mom isn't getting enough of her super shake in her so she's getting no calories.  I told her that no one is listening here.  They give her clear fluids which does nothing for her.  She pointed out my mom's feet are starting to swell a bit as well and showed it to her nurse who kind of shrugged.  I told Michelle that I don't know why her hands are swelling again and she said it's that old problem back.  She is leaching proteins because she is getting no food.  If this keeps up we will have to put the tube back up her nose!


Great..  it's now almost 5 pm and she thinks her gums are falling out!  What is going on?  Is she "sundowning"?   Last night this started too.  She had an episode like this months ago, like 6 mths back if not more and they thought it was sundowning then but it wasn't.  Sundowning doesn't come and go like that.  I am going to have to get them to put mittens or something on her because she's picking at her gums and that's not good.

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