Sunday, August 31, 2014

more Saturday August 30th/2014

I quite honestly don't know what's going on in here and with my mom.  Yesterday she was her old self.. alert, taking, awake, etc.  Even after they put the ng tube in to feed her.  She was fine. 

Today...  is a whole other matter.  She is delusional at times, sleeping most the time, quiet...   to get her to talk you pretty much have to beg her and even then you'll only get a grunt for a few words.  A lot of words are not coming out right.  "you" came out "slew" sort of.  And earlier when she pulled out her feeding tube while Michelle the nurse was here, she was literally babbling like an alien being.  Then all of a sudden she was clear as a bell..   then babbling again.  It's very strange.

No one can tell me what the hell is going on.  Almost 2 weeks ago I was promised to be hooked up with a social worker to help me deal with the stresses here and at home, with my family and even the stresses on myself.  That never happened.  No one ever approached me.  The only people that have been any support to me are Michelle the nurse, Michelle the dietician and Vicky the care manager.  But it's not their job to be a social worker. 

I sit here, day in and day out, for hours on end.  Some days I'm here 10 hrs..  some more.. some less..  and unless my mom is having a good day like yesterday this blog is all I have.  To talk to my mom about what is going on is difficult since she doesn't remember what brought her in here.  She has been out of it enough that she doesn't even realize how long she has been here.  It will be 2 weeks come tomorrow night. 

So she pulled the feeding tube @ 10:30 am and I talked to the Dr about putting it back in around 1 pm.  She told the nurse to call her when she had time.  Needless to say, it's now 6:25 pm and the nurse didn't call her yet.  When the hell are they going to do this?  So I just asked the nurse about 15 minutes ago if this is going to happen and I reminded her SHE was suppose to call the Dr to let her know she had time to help with it.  I think she finally asked the Dr but I'm really not sure.

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