Sunday, August 24, 2014

Saturday August 23rd, 2014

I'm getting increasingly tired.  Odd..  must be the stress.  I leave the hospital around 9 pm, get to bed around 10:30, fall asleep around 11:30 and up about 8:30 which is normally late for me.  I'm up and down most the night but am still getting sleep.  Must be the stress as to why I'm feeling so damn tired.  It gets more difficult typing all this too.  It's a lot.  Makes me more tired at times.

My mom is in a room with a younger woman who constantly is calling the nurse.  She also has a tv that is relatively loud.  If mom had a tv it would probably drown it out.  Occasionally I look at yahoo news or cp24 but unless I turn up the speakers on this thing I don't hear anything.   They should tell her to use earphones instead.  If I'm not mistaken you get a pair when you order the tv.  Maybe I'm just grumpy because I'm tired but it does wake my mom now and then.

I'm exhausted and it's been a bad day today. Went to the hospital this morning to find out my mom's blood pressure is fast on the rise again.  190/130  They put a nitro patch on her again to help bring it down. Not sure what the hell is doing it other than meds, stress and pain she's under right now. So she was pretty quiet most of the day and then she slept deeply for a couple of hours before I left. At that point she got a bit scary, would barely wake up but did enough to take some meds for me. But then started wailing like something was wrong but she wouldn't talk. That stopped (I think it was bad gas and with her tummy problems it made it a lot worse), but she still wouldn't talk to me, like she couldn't. Finally.. finally.. she said a few small things to me and I was able to go home feeling a bit better. She gave me kisses goodnight and told me she loved me. And she smiled. but......

 on my way home, there is an apt building that is having some work done so the construction built a cover over the sidewalk to protect the people walking BUT they didn't hang lights from it so while I was going through it it was dark. It was 9:30 so there were lots of shadows under it and suddenly there was a smashed beer bottle right in front of me and I couldn't stop my scooter fast enough.
I went over it and blew one of the back tires of my scooter. I'm unable to walk very far and now it's dark out, I'm in a shitty part of town and am alone, on the phone to my nephew telling him how his nanna is... now I'm standing there crying not knowing how I'm going to get home. Worried about my mom, worried about how I get home, worried about how to fix the flat on the weekend.

 A young couple came up to me and offered whatever help they could give me. I called a friend Jimmy and he got dressed and brought his disabled van cab to pick me up.  While waiting for him I just lost it, too much today, this week I guess and this nice young lady asked me if she could give me a hug. I said yes and bawled on her shoulder. She asked mom's name and I told her and she asked if she could pray for my mom and I said yes, of course, thanks. And then she asked me if they could give me taxi money or something to help me get home. Even wondered if my scooter would fit in her boyfriends home for me until I could figure something out. While waiting for Jimmy the young man went and removed the beer bottle from the sidewalk and through the rest of it away.

Jimmy came and before I left I gave her my business card. I sincerely hope she calls me at some point, I'd like to take them to dinner at least. They were so kind and thoughtful not to leave me alone in that area and to offer whatever help they possibly could to a stranger in need. There aren't many of those types around these days but I'm certainly happy I found two of them tonight.

Jimmy got me home safely and pushed my scooter upstairs for me and the company I use for my scooter repairs has a 24 hr hotline and the guy will be here around 8 am to fix the flat. Hoping mom is ok tonight and gets a good nights sleep and I'll see her in the morning like I promised her when I left.

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