Thursday, September 11, 2014

More of Wednesday but actually it's 3:35 am on Thursday

and I'm still so irate about what that asshole Dr said to me that I wrote the care manager on the 14th floor and this is what I wrote to her:

My mom has been re-admitted only after a long discussion with a twit of a Dr.    Just get the antibiotics in her and when the result comes back from the sensitivity test, I'll take home the proper antibiotic and her. 

It seems I should let her die of a u.t.i.  I shouldn't have them treat her.  Seems this is St. Mike's policy.  Seems my little old mom is a drain on St. Mike's resources.  Seems seniors aren't worth the time or the cost. 

Did you know you weren't a long term care facility and that my mom shouldn't be admitted and re-admitted?  That I shouldn't use it like that?  Well let me tell you this.. I know for a fact there are elderly in there waiting for beds in ltc.  I can name at least one for you if need be.  That mom's there too much?  I told him usually my family dr treats her u.t.i.'s  But if I'm not mistaken I only take her in there when it happens on a weekend and it can't wait because the confusion it causes has repercussions.   Well she fell this time..  so I took her in to find out if she broke or cracked anything.  I thought that was the right thing to do.  Next time I won't waste St. Mike's precious Dr's time and resources and I'll just get someone to help me get her back into bed.  voila!  problem solved.  Then I will restrain her. 

So it seems now since I wouldn't listen to dr twit I should have this same freakin conversation with Dr sergeant.  I told this twit the conversation is over.  And I won't be having it with anyone.   Why doesn't he kill his mother off then if it's such a right thing to do?

 He wanted me to put her in ltc and I told him no because she isn't take care of in there right.  They don't make sure she drinks her diet, or water even for that matter.  Excuse me but she'd be back in that damn place in a week with dehydration or would have rather just have me tell them to let her curl up and die?  They don't brush her hair, or her teeth.  How disgusting is that?  They don't put a mat down until she falls.  Then she can have one.  and so on and so on.  He tells me she isn't safe at home since she had this fall.  I told him then she's not safe anywhere.  She's fallen in ltc as well.

So that's when he starts his spiel..  and I'm just not getting it..   I'm tired.  I'm trying to focus but I'm simply not getting it.  I know he's trying to say something but it's not coming through.  So finally I tell him I'm too tired for this and to use the k.i.s.s. principal.. keep it simple stupid....  and that's when he comes out and still can't get his tongue around it but now I get his drift and I ask him..   "you think I should let her die of an infection"?  He say "yes"  I ask him if he's out of his freakin mind.  Could he imagine what kind of pain she would be in.  Oh..  excuse me "they will give her something for the pain".. yea sure.. like D'Silva did when she pulled my mom's codeine and she laid there for a week crying in pain?

Let me tell you something.. tomorrow I go to the Minister of Health...   and then I hit the media.  Nice policy.. and in the end, quite cavalier about it too.  And I do believe it's time for my blog to make the rounds... 

You can tell dr sergeant to just figure out the anti-biotic and then call her a transfer ambulance and I'll take her home.  This time wait for the sensitivity test to make sure they give her the correct damn medication.  Which by the way is why I had to bring her back again.  Not because I wanted to but because their dr wanted the bed so bad she fucked up royally at my mom's expense.   If I have to use restraints on her at times so she doesn't fall, then so be it but I will not grace St. Mike's doorstep again, I'll get my family dr to treat her infections like he normally does.

I am so sorry that sweet old lady sucks your resources dry.  And I'm not paying the ambulance bill either, it can go to dr sergeant for all I care.

I'll be there every day until I can get her home.  I suggest no one come to me with that discussion.    oh.. and btw, that asshole had this entire conversation while leaning over my mom.  After he left I asked her if she heard it... she said some and started to cry.  I asked her what she heard and she said she wasn't sure but he wanted to kill her or make her die or something.   So I explained the best I could what he was saying and she said she didn't want that.   I told her she would be ok, I would always protect her and not to worry.  I hugged her and comforted her. 

I want that moron's name.  Regardless, I'll be having a long talk with the Minister of Health. 

And can you please make sure my mom gets her supershake and some mushroom soup?  I don't want them starving her to death as an alternative to death by infection since I wouldn't give permission for that.


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