Monday, September 1, 2014

Let's talk clean... vs ... dirty.. and garbage

I know there is cleaning staff in here but I swear they are under a cloak of darkness and can't be visibly seen most of the day.

There is a throw up bin (one of those grey compressed paper things you toss your cookies into) on the floor in here, a piece of wadded up clear medical tape, a wadded up tissue, a Styrofoam cup, and a surgical glove (not sure if it's used or not) on the floor here.  All have been there since before Friday.  oh.. just discovered there is a stir stick on the floor too under her bed.  Wondering what else I'd find if I actually moved and looked around.

So..  why is it all still here?  I'm not sitting in the way of a cleaner here and even if I was I would have seen them and moved.  But alas.. none have shown up.

The public washroom is directly across the hall from her.  It was disgusting.  Someone had an accident in it of the worse kind.  A nurse finally came by and stuck a big post it note on the door telling people it was not in use until some dept came and cleaned it.  That notice was stuck on there over 24 hours!!! 

There is also a spill of some sort on her floor, it has a white crusty edge to it. 

As well there is the issue of the patient washroom in this room.  You have 2 patients and neither one uses the loo.  I went to pour a coffee down the sink in there and this is what I discovered:

hmmmm I have a friend that comes from India and she says this looks like something you expect in a 3rd world country.

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